Let's Get Started! 

How can I support you best?

1:1 Breathwork & Transformation Coaching
1:1 and Group Breathwork Sessions
Workshops & Retreats
Corporate Wellness Programs & Retreats
Functional Movement Practice 

Breathwork Sessions  

You will be guided through an explorative and  transformational Breathwork journey that will shift your mind, body and soul.

Sessions can be done in person or virtually. 
Sessions can be 1:1, Small or Large Group 

Regulate the nervous system
Master emotional wellness 
Lower blood pressure
Reduce chronic stress
Rewire negative thoughts
Remove self limiting beliefs
Develop new behavioral patterns
Create a mind body connection
Improve mood and energy
Relieve chronic pain 
Boost confidence and self love 

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Coaching Program 

This 5 pillar program is for YOU if you are committed to self exploration and shifting your own way of being. 

Growth comes when we step out of our comfort zones and decide to live life at our fullest potential. 

I support and facilitate the process for you to SHIFT from survival mode to thrive mode through daily mind, body and breath practices and techniques.  We determine your starting point, develop long term goals and integrate holistic practices to create change, transformation and optimize your quality of life.  

At the end of your journey, you can expect the following: 
Energy SHIFT
Mental Clarity 
Less anxiety  
Regulated emotions
Efficiency and consistency
Reduced weight fluctuations & cravings
Better sleep patterns & physical mobility 
Effective communication
Self awareness

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Movement Sessions
Custom to Your Needs 

Functional Movement
Muscular Endurance 
Muscular Strength 
Balance & Posture
Injury Prevention

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Corporate Wellness & Coaching

Whether you work for yourself and manage a team or work within a team, the importance of maintaining mental health within the work environment is crucial for both performance and emotional well being. 

Neuroscience and research supports the importance and relevance of brain work, body work and mindset work with the professional world. Breathwork & other holistic practices can be integrated to SHIFT the culture, connection, productivity and synchronicity with the work environment. 

Wellness Programs are co-created based on needs.

One day workshops
2-3 workshops / retreats
Monthly or weekly classes
Group coaching . 

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Physical Location

Rehoboth Beach, DE 19971, US

Credentials & Experience 

20+ years in Behavior Modification & Teaching 
15+ years in Group & Private Fitness 

Masters in Education 
Certified Holistic Health, Gut & Stress Management Coach
Certified Transformational Breath Work Facilitator
Certified Reformer & Mat Pilates Instructor
Certified Functional Aging Specialist
Certified Nueroscience for Business  
200 + RYT Yoga Certification

Other Relevant Training 
Trauma Informed Yoga 
Yoga for Recovery 
Yoga Therapy 

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